C-arm Table
The most expensive C-arm accessory is the C-arm table. This price can range widely, and is a factor of style, weight capacity, and articulations. The high cost of these components stems from the requirement that they be completely constructed of X-ray-invisible materials.
A brand-new, basic “diving board” style table will cost anywhere between $8,000 and $20,000, with movement capabilities being the primary price consideration. Float style tables, however, being newer and more suited to vascular surgery, cost anywhere from $25,000 to $40,000.
At the high-end of the scale are bariatric tables, large-capacity models which have increased patient weight handling at or near the 1,000 lb mark. These tables commonly retail in the $25,000 to $35,000 range.
Prices for used tables on the secondary market are a little better, with most reconditioned tables usually selling for anywhere from 25% to 35% less than the comparable model direct from the manufacturer.