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6340 S. Sandhill Rd, Suite 8.nLas Vegas, NV 89120

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Pedigo 5110 Stretcher

The 5110 Series general transport stretcher is full function medical equipment providing a versatile as well as economical patient transport solution. This adjustable stretcher is non-hydraulic.


Pedigo 5110 Stretcher For Sale


โ€ขย  500 lbs. weight capacity

โ€ขย  True Direction Steering (TDS)

โ€ขย  Side rails – full length, single release

โ€ขย  Center column patient support

โ€ขย  Non-hydraulic

โ€ขย  5 fixed litter top height options: 28″ to 32″

โ€ขย  A single pneumatic cylinder assists inย placing the litter top in Trendelenburg/ย reverse Trendelenburg position.

โ€ข Pneumatic assist fowler 400 N (90#) force

โ€ข Brake & Steer activated foot pedals

โ€ข Four corner IV pole receptacles

โ€ขย  Four restraint strap positions

โ€ขย  Full PVC perimeter bumper

โ€ขย  8″ easy mobility casters

โ€ข ย  Latex Free


Rail System:

Rail system is simple to clean and disinfect.ย  The full length tuck away side rails enable easier patient transfer by maintaining a zero transfer gap. The rails feature a release point centrally located on either side of the litter top under the patient surface.


Pneumatic Assist Fowler:

Gives increased assistance for safer and easier raising and lowering of your patient.



A single cylinder which is pneumatically operated helps placement of the litter top in Trendelenburg as well as reverse Trendelenburg position.


Center Column Support:

Durable steel column design has five fixed litter top height positions to choose from: 28″, 29″, 30″, 31″ and 32″.


True Direction Steering (TDS):

For optimal stretcher control simply engage the True Direction Steering system. The steer caster which is placed at the patientโ€™s right foot end of the stretcher will lock when the steering pedal is engaged.


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